Top 10 Spider Facts

In the group of invertebrates, spiders are very easy to observe, and they do possess some fascinating qualities. They can survive in almost every habitat. Even though they can be deadly to humans, they play a crucial role in our ecosystem. In this article, we will have a look at the top 10 spider facts.

Every Spider Produces Silk

There are about 40,000 species of spiders, and one thing that is common to all of them is that they can all produce silk. Moreover, the ability of spiders to work with their silk has evolved over the years. A spider can make as many as seven different types of silk. And each of these types has a different purpose – capturing preys, spinning webs, and so on.

How Many Eyes Do They Have?

Most people have this notion that spiders have eight eyes. Yes, some do, but some spiders have six eyes or less. But whatever the number, the eyes are always present in multiple of two.

All Spiders Do Not Spin Webs

There’s a difference between producing silk and making webs. All spiders produce silk, but all of them do not spin webs with the silk. The webs that spiders make are of different shapes. Daddy-long-legs spiders make tangle webs, whereas garden spiders make orb webs. Some of these webs can even last for years if left untouched, such is their durability. On the other hand, some are incredibly fragile.

Some Male Spiders Force Feed Themselves to the Female

You all probably have heard of the black widow spiders who are known for eating their mates. But this cannibalizing behavior is not constant in all spiders. For example, the red widow spider male is known to feed itself forcefully to the female. How? The males place themselves on the females’ mandibles. If the female doesn’t want to eat the male and spits him out, the male will keep trying until the female gives up and eats him.

Spiders Can Also Form Colonies

Most people know spiders work on their own, but some species are known to form colonies. These communities can include as many as thousands of spiders. They spin webs and incapacitate the prey together. After the kill, they also share the harvest.

Spiders Can Lay Up To 3000 Eggs At Once

Yes, you have read it right – 3000 eggs at once! They are kept inside silk sacs. Each sac usually contains more than one egg. But every species has a different way of caring for these eggs. Some female spiders are even known to die after laying eggs. And, on the other hand, some will tend to the eggs, and when the spiderlings come out, they will carry them on their backs.

Spider Blood is Blue in Color

Just like we have red blood, spiders have blue. I’ll give you the scientific reason behind this – the red color of our blood is due to a molecule containing iron to which oxygen is bound. But, in spiders, instead of iron, this molecule contains copper, and hence, their blood is blue.

Some Spiders Mimic Ants

The next time you see an ant on the floor, scrutinize it – is it just an ant or a spider disguised as an ant? Over 100 species of ants are known that mimic ants and even go as far as evolving characteristics similar to ants. They even develop pheromones that ants have, and this helps them fool their predators. However, some of them even do it to predate on the ants.

Spider Muscles Work in a Strange Way

Spiders can pull their legs inward only – this is because of their peculiar muscle movement. If they want to extend their legs outward, they have to push a liquid into their legs. This is also why the legs are always curled inwards when a spider dies because the liquid is no longer being pumped into the legs.

Spiders Have Inspired Their Own Dance Form

There is a dance form named tarantella in Italy that came into existence in the 16th and 17th centuries. At that time, Italy first saw a tarantula and how its bite can be deadly and sends the victim into a frenzied dancing state. That’s how this local dance form, tarantella, came into being.

If you spot a spider infestation at home, call us at Thrive Pest Control, and we will bring the situation under control.



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