How Fleas Impact Your Home

How Fleas Impact Your Home

Anyone who owns animals dreads the presence of fleas in their home because fleas are extremely troublesome for both the animals and the people that reside. Unfortunately, sometimes even skipping one month of flea prevention can cause a massive flea outbreak in your building. Fully infestations spread like wildfire, so you must treat them immediately to minimize the damage and distress they cause.

Please continue reading to learn how fleas can affect your home and how they happen. We will discuss everything you need to know about getting rid of flea infestations and finding the fleas in the first place.

Fleas Can Hurt Your Animals

If your house experiences a flea infestation, your animals are the ones that pay the cost. Clear infestations can cause your pets to lose their hair or scratch themselves raw, creating intense discomfort for your animal companion. Fleas also cause issues because if your pet is just well grooming themselves, they could get a tapeworm which will cost you a lot in vet bills. 

If you notice your animal itching frequently, you might have a flea infestation on your hands. Unfortunately, if your animal has dark fur, it might be difficult to spot the fleas on them initially, so you’ll have to go through several methods to detect an infestation. Talking with your back can also help you identify a flea infestation in your vet and can help you get rid of the fleas on your animal before or after you treat your home.

If your flea infestation gets out of hand, your pet might pass away from the blood loss and parasites of fleas. If you suspect your animal has, you should immediately call a pest control company like Thrive Pest Control to rectify the problem. Otherwise, you could face serious medical fees and damage to your pets.

Fleas Can Irritate Your Skin’

Well, please pose a major risk here, animals. They can also be irritating to you and your skin. Please won’t live on your skin like they do with your animal companions, but they can jump up and bite you, which will cause bumps and rashes. So, even if you don’t have animals in the house that can be affected by fleas, you want to eliminate them because they can irritate you.

Flea bites don’t hurt that much but can cause itching and irritation that last for a few days, and please come in large numbers. So, if one flea jumps up and bites you, you can bet several will throughout the next few weeks. Therefore, anytime you have a flea issue, you should rectify the problem immediately, so you don’t have to deal with skin irritation or sick pets.

How To Find Out That You Have a Flea Infestation

Most of the time, you can detect a flea infestation immediately if your pet is frequently itching out of nowhere. Some pets might scratch themselves because of seasonal allergies, but most of the time, if your pet doesn’t have a history of random itching, then you probably have fleas. If your flea problem worsens, you’ll also find the fleas because they jump right on you and bite you.

If your animal has dark fur, you can use a flea comb through its hair, and the fleas will get stuck in the comb so you can investigate. If you see a few fleas in your home, you have an infestation because fleas spread rapidly. Unlike insects that might only appear in a few numbers, fleas always spread out of control quickly.

Save on Vet Bills

Flea infestations can cause vet issues that will cost you money. Not only will the flea removal cost you money in flea treatments, but the actual health problems and skin irritation will also cost you money. Plus, if your dog gets tapeworm from ingesting one of the fleas on their skin, then that will be a process you’ll have to deal with that can take months to remedy.

Depending on how bad your flea situation is, treatments can cost up to $1000 and consume lots of your time. In addition, veterinarians will charge you treatment fees if you bring in a pet from home with a flea infestation. You’ll also notice that flea infestations are extremely difficult to eliminate and prevent from returning.

Final Thoughts

If you notice a few flute fleas throughout your home and have pets, you need to take care of the issue immediately because the problem will get out of hand. Flea infestations can multiply rapidly over the course of just a few days. Not only will fleas affect your lifestyle but also your pet’s overall health. Therefore, you should immediately call a professional if you have a flea infestation in your home to ensure that you can treat it ASAP.


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