10 Common Spiders In Tulsa, OK

Tulsa, Oklahoma is one of the best cities to settle down and raise a family but you’re not the only one who thinks so.

In fact, there are so many breeds of spider that want to call Tulsa home. And when you live in this part of the country, you need to be aware of them. Some of the most common spiders in Tulsa can be quite dangerous to you, especially if your family has small children.

You should know what you’re getting into in Tulsa and should have a knowledge of the eight-legged creatures that also call this part of the country home.

Bold Jumping Spider

The bold jumping spider might be the most common one in all of Oklahoma. It ranges in color and size but it is usually easy to spot. The male bold jumping spider is about 15mm in length while females a bit bigger at 18mm.

They are typically black spiders with spots and stripes on their legs and abdomens. The young bold jumping spider has orange spots that turn white as they get older.

This bug likes to live in open areas but they are not above making your home their own too.

Yellow Garden Spider

If you’re ever out in an open field in Tulsa, you might come across a yellow garden spider. They are harmless but they will bite you and it can be painful.

They like to stay hidden in fields and grassy areas. Their webs are circular and can be up to two feet in diameter. As you imagined, they are usually yellow and black on the abdomen.

Texas Brown Tarantula

Although it is officially called the Texas Brown Tarantula, this bug makes Oklahoma its home too. It can be bigger than four inches and almost always has a dark brown body, although the depth of the brown sometimes varies.

These spiders are not venomous but they will hurt if they bite. Additionally, just touching one can cause irritation on your skin and discomfort too. You should avoid any high grasslands that might have them.

Spotted Orbweaver

A spotted orbweaver can create a big web, up to two feet long. They are a few colors, from orange to red to yellow or brown or tan.

Although not poisonous, these bugs would love to make your backyard their home and are most active from May to August, when the kids are out enjoying summer.

Rabid Wolf Spider

These spiders are not dangerous but they are quite intimidating. They have two dark stripes on their backs and one on their abdomens. They like to live in wooded areas and cotton fields and reside in holes. They will bite you if provoked but they are harmless.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse is very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. They are brown in color and have markings on their body that looks like a violin with the neck of the violin pointing towards the rear.

They only have six eyes but that’s not the only thing unique about them: their bites can be quite dangerous. Young children who get bitten can have fever, rash, joint pain, and even vomiting.

Southern Black Widow

A female Southern black widow is the most dangerous spider that you can come across in Oklahoma. Built with a black and red hourglass marking on its abdomen, this is a bug that needs to be avoided at all costs.

Although only the female spider will affect humans, it is best to call a pest control professional if you come across any Southern Black Widows.

Green Lynx Spider

The Green Lynx Spider is just .87 inches and sometimes easy to miss because of its slight, skinny body. They have green to yellow legs with distinct black spines. Fun fact: they change color based upon their habitats.

Flea Jumping Spider

The Flea Jumping Spider will bite you if bothered. While their venom is harmless, it will be painful and can cause redness and minor pain for days.

These bugs are gray and black with a bit of range on the sides. And, yes, they can jump. In fact, they can jump more than four times their body length.

Tan Jumping Spider

Typically hiding in the bark of trees, the Tan Jumping Spider can also move with speed and jump small distances.

You can usually find this type of bug on the walls and fences of their environment. But they are also usually unafraid of humans. It’s not uncommon for one to be totally okay with climbing on your hands or body. They will bite if they get shocked or scared but it is not harmful.


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